Highcliffe Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 9LX

0113 323 0554

St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley

Together in truth and faith we learn and grow as God's family.

Personal, Social and Health Education

'Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb but how well you bounce back'


PSHE is a foundation curriculum subject at St Francis Primary School.


At St Francis Catholic Primary School we aim to promote healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage all our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community through class & school councils, fundraising events, supporting nominated charities and involvement in community activities. Our whole school approach to PSHE ensures every child has the opportunity to build upon their skills, so children have the opportunity to reach their full potential both academically and socially.

The school’s PSHE provision supports the school’s aims of developing confident citizens and successful learners who are creative, resourceful and able to identify and solve problems. The social and emotional development of pupils is embedded throughout the entire school’s curriculum and culture.

This whole school approach aims:

• To give pupils knowledge and develop their self-esteem, confidence and self awareness to make informed choices and decisions;
• To encourage and support the development of social skills and social awareness;
• To enable pupils to make sense of their own personal and social experiences;
• To promote responsible attitudes towards the maintenance of good physical and mental health, supported by a safe and healthy lifestyle;
• To enable effective interpersonal relationships and develop a caring attitude towards others;
• To encourage a caring attitude towards and responsibility for the environment;
• To help our pupils understand and manage their feelings; to build resilience to be independent, curious problem solvers;
• To understand how society works and the laws, rights and responsibilities involved.



At St Francis, the PSHE (personal, social, health and economic well-being) programme of study brings together 7 key strands: RSHE (relationships, sex and health education), DATE (Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Education), Keeping safe and managing risk, Mental Health and Emotional well-being, Physical Health and Well-being, Financial well-being and economic well-being, Careers and Identity and Society and equality. PSHE is taught weekly.

It is intended to support the school in developing a coherent whole-school approach to PSHE. Through this approach we will build the essential foundations of health and wellbeing – this is crucial to enable children to achieve their best, academically and socially. It provides all the building blocks needed to deliver a planned, progressive PSHE and Wellbeing programme throughout the primary years.

The school uses a powerful combination of the ‘YOU, ME and PSHE’ scheme, Mindmate, Pol Ed, Circle times based on ‘Virtues to Live by’ and the daily advocation of Catholic values, to promote the holistic child throughout their time at St Francis.



RSHE is delivered using the 'A Journey in Love' and 'All that I am' schemes in the Summer term. 'A Journey in Love’ is the recommended programme of study for Catholic schools for RSHE, and has been written as a progressive scheme of work that supports the Religious Education, PSHE and Science curricula taught within the school.

We teach relationships, sex and health education because of our Christian beliefs about God and about the human person. At the heart of the Christian life is the Trinity; Father, Son and Spirit in communion, united in loving relationship and embracing all people and all creation. This communion of divine love reveals that the desire for human relationships is God-given. Human beings are created to be relational, created to love and to be loved just as God is love and essentially relational. Catholic schools engage in relationships education not only because it is in the context of relationships that the human person grows and develops, but because God, who is love, desires that the world becomes a community of love.

Our belief in the unique dignity of the human person made in the image and likeness of God underpins education in a Catholic school. As a consequence, every human person, gender and sexuality are seen as gifts from God, reflect God’s beauty, and participate in the divine creativity.

Following the guidance of the Bishops of England and Wales and as advocated by the DfE, RSHE will be firmly embedded in the PSHE framework as it is concerned with nurturing human wholeness and integral to the physical, spiritual, emotional, moral, social and intellectual development of pupils. It is centred on Christ’s vision of being human as good news and will be positive and prudent, showing the potential for development, while enabling the dangers and risks involved to be understood and appreciated.

All RSHE will be in accordance with the Church’s moral teaching and be at the service of human flourishing through the explicit teaching of the virtues. It will emphasise the central importance of the family and marriage whilst acknowledging that all pupils have a fundamental right to have their life respected whatever household they come from. It will also prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.

Our programme enshrines Catholic values relating to the importance of stable relationships, marriage and family life. It promotes those virtues which are essential in responding to God’s call to love others with a proper respect for their dignity and the dignity of the human body. The following virtues will be explicitly explored and promoted: love, patience, courage, honesty, respect, forgiveness, courtesy and justice.

Our Mission Statement commits us to the education of the whole child (spiritual, physical, intellectual, moral, social, cultural, emotional) and we believe that RSHE is an integral part of this education. Furthermore, our school aims state that we will endeavour to raise pupils’ self-esteem, help them to grow in knowledge and understanding, recognise the value of all persons and develop caring and sensitive attitudes.


Drug Education Policy

PSHE policy

Child Friendly Anti-bullying Policy

Smoke Free School Policy

RSHE policy

SEMH policy


PSHE & SEMH and RSHE long term plan

Letter to Parent or Guardian - Vaping

School Gate Parking Leaflet


Pupil Voice "I love learning about my feelings, we learnt that sometimes we can mix them up"    "We learn about our money and how to save"    We used emojis to show our feelings"     "We learn about our feelings, emotions and keeping safe"

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