Welcome to Year 3
Information about our class
Mrs Royston is our class teacher from Tuesday - Friday, Mrs Dorree is our experienced full-time class Teaching Assistant and teaches us on a Monday. Mrs O'Byrne is also a full -time member of the Year 3 team as a dedicated 1-1 Teaching Assistant and Mrs Barber (mornings) and Mrs Hateley (afternoons) also work as dedicated 1-1 Teaching Assistants.
We are a lively class of 32 children and we enjoy a wonderful, friendly atmosphere. We are hardworking and love learning, and always strive to work together as a team.
As a group we work hard to be tolerant, patient, kind and loving to all of God's people and creatures. We know we are all unique and we encourage each other at every opportunity and maintain a fun learning environment where everybody's ideas and opinions are valued.
As a class we learn about God's love for us through our daily collective/class worship, hymn practice and weekly R.E lessons. Each day we celebrate our Catholic faith by joining together to praise God and learn about Jesus' love for us.
We follow our School mission that together in truth and faith, we learn and grow as God's family, and we learn how we can use the teachings of Jesus to help others within our everyday lives. We also begin and end each day with prayers, as well as giving thanks to God before and after lunch.
Water bottles - It is important that everyone brings in a full, labelled water bottle each day which can be replenished as required.
Fruit - If children like, they can bring a piece of fruit to eat during breaktimes.
Pumps - It is important that all children have a change of footwear to wear inside school. Please ensure that your child's name is inside their pumps and shoes.
Jumpers - As you can appreciate in each classroom there are many identical purple jumpers or cardigans and black or purple PE jumpers. Please ensure that your child's name is written clearly in their jumper or cardigan.
Homework will be set every Friday and needs to be returned the following Wednesday.
Whiterose Maths books - Each week maths homework will be set based on the maths learning in class. Please only do the pages as directed and do not continue through the book as the weeks relate to what children have learnt that week.
Other - Every week, a homework task will be sent home. This could be an activity based on Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Reading Comprehension, RE, Topic or Science. This will need to be returned in the homework folder by the following week and will be marked in class together.
Spellings - spellings that link to our class topics will be sent out each half term. These can be practiced at home to help support learning in school. Weekly spelling lessons will cover spelling rules and patterns which the children are expected to apply in their written work across the curriculum.
TT Rockstars - Each child has their own login for TT Rockstars (which remains the same throughout primary school). Every child should be aiming to spend 15 minutes each week learning and revising their times tables. Each week in celebration assembly the top 3 players in each class are rewarded with a certificate. Could you be the winner this week?
There is a weekly times tables quiz called 'Maths Medals'.
Reading - It is important that all children read as often as they can. Reading books will be changed as and when required. Please comment on your child's reading in their yellow reading journals each time you listen to your child read.
Long Term Plan
Please read here to find out further details about the units of work, texts and key vocabulary which will be taught in year 3.
Supporting your learning in year 3
Below is a wide variety of resources, games and websites you can use to support you with your weekly homework activities.
Remember to stay safe online and to STOP, BLOCK and TELL if you see something that makes you feel uncomfortable!
Please practice these spellings alongside your spelling vocabulary list.
Here are the Y3/4 statutory spellings.
Here are the Year 1/2 statutory spellings
Explore a range of creative ways to practise your spellings using the ideas below:
Use these websites to help:
Grammar and Punctuation
BBC Bitesize has lots of useful clips, activities and videos to help you to embed previous learning or to become more confident with the new concepts you will be taught this year.
It is so important that you read a variety of different texts regularly, ideally every day, to develop your vocabulary and your general knowledge. Understanding the texts you read is really important. You can use the resources below to help develop your understanding of the books you enjoy reading at home and your school reading books.
Use these resources to help you to keep focused as you are reading:
Use this resource to help you to generate your own questions:
Use these resources to produce your own book reviews:
Use this website for book recommendations and reading related activities.
These resources provide specific comprehension questions for some of our school reading scheme books (Collins Big Cat) used in year 3:
ry important skill that will help you in many areas of Maths. We are constantly practising in class but you also need to spend some time practising at home to improve your recall of these important facts.
Below are some websites with games and activities to help you:
Here are some games you could download, print and play as a family to practice your multiplying and dividing skills:
Please use the link below see how your score and time improves each time you play.
Explore the range of activities in this booklet to practise both your multiplying and dividing skills.
Multiplication and division activity booklet
To explore other areas of maths use these tutorials to help:
White Rose Maths Video Tutorials