Chaplaincy Team
Our roles are the following:
- To help the school to be a community of faith.
- To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living.
- To develop good relationships within and beyond the school community.
- To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
- To continue to develop strong links with the Parish.
- To support the school in its Mission Statement.
We have lots of ideas of how we can fulfil our roles. Here are some of them:
- Help to prepare weekly Gospel Preparation assemblies.
- Help teachers by setting up the Hall for weekly Key Stage worships.
- Organise various charity fund-raising events.
- Organise and run prayer groups for the different times of the liturgical year.
- Run the 'Disciple of the week' award.
- Suggest ideas for RE resources.
- Help to lead assemblies.
- Keep the entrance display up to date.
- Organise and run lunchtime worship clubs to support other children with planning and preparing worships.
- Make sure RE tables in classrooms are neat and tidy.
- Make sure the 'Virtue to live by' is up to date in all classrooms.
- Maintain our Prayer Garden.
We are the members of the Chaplaincy team this year:
We were all really proud to be selected as members of the Chaplaincy team and are dedicated to our roles.
Here are our achievements over the year :
Autumn 1:
- Displayed our successful application forms in the main entrance
- Planned and led Rosary groups in October for the Month of the Rosary
- Helped to load the harvest donations to be transported to St George's Crypt
- Updated displays around school, including the chaplaincy display, Virtues display and St Francis display
- Update Virtues information in each class each month
- Regularly check worship tables and displays are up to date across school
- Help to plan and lead class worships
Autumn 2:
- Created Christmas cards for the staff and residents of Stone Gables Care Home.
- Led an Advent prayer group
- Update Virtues information in each class each month
- Regularly check worship tables and displays are up to date across school
- Help to plan and lead class worships
- Created a Lent garden for the front entrance.
- Updated Lent displays across school.
- Led the Ash Wednesday service with the Mini Vinnies.
- Update Virtues information in each class each month
- Regularly check worship tables and displays are up to date across school
- Help to plan and lead class worships
Here are the 'Lent through a Lens' competition entries - they were all great and it was so difficult to pick a winner!