Highcliffe Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 9LX

0113 323 0554

St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley

Together in truth and faith we learn and grow as God's family.

Design and Technology


Design and Technology is a foundation subject at St Francis Primary School.

At St Francis Catholic Primary School, we intend to create a design & technology curriculum with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum Design & Technology Programmes of study. We will fulfill the duties of the NC by providing a balanced curriculum that works on enhancing children’s creativity through designing and making. Children at St Francis will be involved in different design and technology projects, from designing and making prototypes for a range of users, to learning how to cook. All children are taught to critique and evaluate their own work every step of the way. Through this meaningful design & technology curriculum, the children are given the opportunity to build a set of useful skills vital for experiences in later life.



Design and Technology is a foundation subject at St Francis and a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. We teach D&T for one half term our of the term, this year it is being taught during Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer term 1.

Each year group takes part in one Design and Technology topic that uses a range of resources from the D&T association.  D&T may be linked with other subjects or also have a design focus. Cooking is enhanced through other special themed weeks like Savoury Food Fortnight. 

As mentioned above, we use the D&T association for the basis for our planning in D&T.   Our curriculum drivers are derived from our pupil’s backgrounds and our values/beliefs about a high-quality education. This is used to ensure we give our pupil’s appropriate and ambitious curriculum opportunities.

Design & Technology Long Term Plan

Design & Technology Progression of Skills

Design & Technology Policy

National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Design & Technology




Student Voice                                    'I love D&T because it is fun.'                                                                                                                                                                     'My favourite D&T lesson was when we made Mayan food because my Mum got to taste it.'                                                                                                               'The work I am most proud of was my Mayan mask, I made extra for my family!'                                                                                                                                        'I like D&T because I think I am quite creative.'                                                                                                                                                                                                'My favourite lesson was when we made the symbols of Pentecost.'                                                                                                                                                            'I would like to do D&T all the time because it is very fun.'                                                                                                                                                                               'I am proud of my healthy pizza because it tasted yummy.'                                                                                                                                                                            'My favourite lesson was when we made a moving picture.'

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