Highcliffe Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 9LX

0113 323 0554

St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley

Together in truth and faith we learn and grow as God's family.

Welcome to Year 5

Information about our class

Our teachers are Mrs Fedzin on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Pearson 0n Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Mrs Humphreys is our Teaching Assistant. Each week we celebrate all of our successes through our weekly Celebration Assembly time and Class Merits and House Points to ensure that all children in our class achieve their full potential. 

Together we learn about God's love for us through our class, key stage and collective worships.   Through listening to messages from the Gospels, we learn and grow in our Catholic faith. Each week a group of children have the opportunity to plan, prepare and lead our class worship. We also begin and end each day with prayers, as well as giving thanks to God before and after eating.

In year 5, we continue to make learning fun, using as many different ways as possible, to include all children and find the most effective way for everyone to learn. A typical day in Year 5 consists of Reading, English and Maths activities in the morning and a range of other subjects from the curriculum in the afternoon, which include  RE, PE, Science and Humanities work. The Way, The Truth and The Life provides the focus for our RE learning, which is enhanced by creative whole school themed weeks. 

In Year 5 we are encouraged to become more independent and take on a range of roles within school, such as being a librarian, a Food Ambassador, a Digital Leader, a Sports Leader, or part of the Mini Vinnies.  We really enjoy having new opportunities to make a difference to others within our school community.  We are also lucky to have the opportunity to lead the school's Remembrance service each year.  

As a school we value the importance of parents and guardians and the pivotal role they have in enhancing their child's learning. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with your child's class teacher by contacting the office. 

Weekly activities: 

Homework will be sent out weekly. Maths on Tuesdays and Reading on Fridays. 

Spellings that link to our class topics are sent out each half term.  These can be practised at home to help support learning in school. Weekly spelling lessons will cover spelling rules and patterns which the children are expected to apply in their written work across the curriculum.

Reading books need to be returned daily to enable an adult to read with your child as often as possible, 

Times tables activities and games are provided on TT Rock Stars which need to be practiced weekly. There will be regular competitions against other years and classmates.

PE lessons take place every Tuesday and Friday in Summer 1.  Please come to school in your PE kit on these days. 




Hello Year 5 and welcome back to the start of a new school year.  Please read the newsletter below for more information about the units of work we will be covering this Summer term: 


Autumn Term calendar of key dates

Y5 Spring newsletter 2024

Y5 Autumn newsletter. 


Class Long Term Plan

Please read below to find out further details about the units of work, texts and key vocabulary which will be taught in year 5. 

Long Term Plan


Leaflet from parent curriculum meeting

 Supporting your learning in Year 5 

Please explore and use the wide range of resources, games and websites to support your weekly homework activities. 

Remember to stay safe online and to STOP, BLOCK and TELL if you see something that makes you feel uncomfortable!


Please practise these spellings alongside your half termly spelling list.

Here are the Y3/4 statutory spellings.

Here are the Year 5/6 statutory spellings


Explore a range of creative ways to practice your spellings using the ideas below:

Spelling Menu 


Grammar and Punctuation

BBC Bitesize has lots of useful clips, activities and videos to help you to embed previous learning or to become more confident with the new concepts you will be taught this year. 


BBC Bitesize: KS2 grammar

BBC Bitesize:KS2 punctuation 

The Natural Curriculum website provides a range of activities for year 5 grammar objectives based on wildlife documentaries. 


Natural Curriculum - Birmingham Education Partnership


It is important that you read regularly, ideally every day, and that you read a wide range of different texts to develop your vocabulary and your general knowledge.  Understanding the texts you read is a crucial skill to develop.  Explore and use the resources below to develop your understanding of your own favourite books and your school reading books. 


Use these resources to help you to keep focused as you are reading:

Think along activity sheet

Discussion support book marks 

Discussion support mat 


Use this resource to help you to generate your own questions: 

Question matrix 


Use these resources to produce your own book reviews: 

book review template 

book review template


 Use this website for book recommendations and reading related activities. 

 Projects beyond Pearson | #DiversityInLit | Pearson UK




Confident times tables skills are key in your Maths learning. I know these were something you worked hard on in Year 4 so now it’s time to keep practising and keep on top of your times tables knowledge.

Here are some games you could download, print and play as a family to practise your multiplying and dividing skills:

3x table










mixture of times tables 


Please use the link below see how your score and time improves each time you play.

Tommy's Trek - Times Tables - Mathsframe


Explore the range of activities in this booklet to practise both your multiplying and dividing skills.

Multiplication and division activity booklet 


Print the multiplication square to help you to learn your times tables:

Multiplication square 


Additional sites


Science Kids

STEM Learning




National Geographic for Kids



Disney 10 Minute Shakeups

Super Movers


General knowledge/a range of subject areas: 

Oak National Academy: Online Classroom

BBC KS2 Bitesize

Primary Homework Help

Educational Quizzes

DK find out


Seneca learning (English, Maths and Science)